Lindemann Law

Swiss Alternative Investments Forum 2021

The Swiss Alternative Investments Forum 2021 took place on 28 January 2021. The conference was organised and moderated by SWISS CAPITALMARKETFORUM – Financial Markets Dialog of Executives (

Alternative Investments are booming in Switzerland, may it be Private Equity, Infrastructure, Private Debt, Real Estate, Venture Capital, Commodities or CAT-Bonds to name just a few.
The Alternative Investment Industry is projected to grow by 59% by 2023, amounting to global assets under management at $14 trillion (Prequin). You will discuss case studies with leading experts:
– Opportunities & Risks of Capital Raising with bankable Securitisation compared to Security Tokens (STOs)
– Swiss Tax Legislation & Policy with the Swiss Federal Tax Authority (“ESTV”) and leading experts

Who should attend? Investors, Wealth Managers, Pension Funds, Family Offices, Banks, Consultants, Lawyers, Tax Advisors, Auditors, Regulators, Tax Officers, Funds & Asset Managers

13:30-14:00 Admission to the conference


14:00-15:30 Securitisation vs. Tokenisation – Capital Raising Solutions of The Future?
Guido Bühler, CEO Seba Bank
Raphael Haldner, Bank Frick
Bastiaan Don, Tokenfaktory.Global
Reto Affolter, ISP Group
Moderation: Alexander Lindemann & Martin Schweikhart

15:15-16:30 COFFEE BREAK

15:45-17:00 Swiss Tax Policy: Tax and Regulatory Developments?
Key Note: Latest Developments in Swiss Tax Legislation & Policy by Fabian Baumer, Head Tax Policy ESTV Swiss Federal Tax Authorities
Fabian Baumer, ESTV Swiss Federal Tax Authorities
Benjamin de Zordi, PwC PricewaterhouseCoopers
Michel Klingler, Leonteq
Alfred Heer, Nationalrat / Member of Swiss Parliament
Moderation: Alexander Lindemann & Marc Wicki

17:00-18:00 Opportunity of Bilateral Web Meetings

The leading experts discussed case studies:

Opportunities & Risks of Capital Raising with bankable Securitisation compared to Security Tokens (STOs)

Swiss Tax Legislation & Policy with the Swiss Federal Tax Authority (“ESTV”) and leading experts

Dernières informations

La Suisse va introduire une loi sur le contrôle des investissements: ce que vous devez savoir

8ème Swiss Alternative Investments Forum

Malte, une plaque tournante pour les entreprises cellulaires protégées et les entreprises cellulaires constituées en société

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