Lindemann Law


Liechtenstein offers a point of entry to the European market as well as to the Swiss market for financial players such as investment funds, fund managers, banks, insurers and asset managers. Because of the passporting system, Liechtenstein Alternative Investment Funds (“AIF”) and AIF-Managers (“AIFM”) will have full access to the entire EEA internal market as well as of the EEA/EFTA states Norway and Iceland. At the same time, the full market access to Switzerland allows the involvement of Swiss service providers such as asset managers or banks. In addition, while nominal corporate tax rates in Liechtenstein are already very competitive, further effective tax reduction is possible. If you seek to relocate to Liechtenstein LINDEMANNLAW gladly provides you legal and tax advice as well as consultancy.

Financial Market Authority (“FMA”) authorizes management companies and approves investment undertakings (“IUs”) managed by them.

An Alternative Investment Fund (“AIF”) in Liechtenstein may be set up as SICAV and SICAF, as a contract (“investment fund”), in the form of a trust (“collective trusteeship”), in a corporate form (“investment company”) or in the form of a partnership. A UCITS may take the legal form of an agreement (common fund managed by a management company), unit trust, an investment company.

LINDEMANNLAW can help you set up AIFs, AIFMs, SICAVs, SICAFs, trusts, investment companies, partnerships, unit trusts.

LINDEMANNLAW also helps to set up Liechtenstein foundations for succession planning, including irrevocable and discretionary foundations.

Liechtenstein is also a growing market and domicile for the securitisation market. Securitisation is, in its very basic terms, the process of taking a illiquid assets (e.g. private debt, real estate, CAT risks) through financial engineering transforming them into a bankable security with an ISIN which may be easily sold to and subscribed by investors on financial markets. The process is particularly attractive to regulated or non-regulated institutions or asset managers such as banks, insurers, real estate developers or other alternative investments providers which may be subject to regulatory limits on levels of lending by reference to the outstanding level of loan assets held on their balance sheets.

LINDEMANNLAW can help you set up in Liechtenstein holding companies, securitisation vehicles (“SVs”), including in a form of protected cell companies (“PCCs”), companies limited by shares (“AGs”), private limited company without shares (“GmbH”), the establishment (“Anstalt”), foundations (“Stiftung”), trusts, including drafting of financial instruments and negotiation with financial regulators (e.g. FMA), paying agent(s) and tokenisation (Security or Asset Tokens, STOs).

News and insights

8th Swiss Alternative Investments Forum

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