Lindemann Law

Dr. oec. publ. Jakob Schaad to join LINDEMANNLAW 2021

LINDEMANNLAW is delighted to announce that Dr. Jakob Schaad is joining our law firm as a partner as of the beginning of 2021.

Jakob Schaad will head and expand LINDEMANNLAW’s new Government Relations & Lobbying department. He will advise on public affairs and governmental relations, forming regulatory developments throughout all executive and legislative levels both in Switzerland and beyond. Moreover, he will manage complex asset management and other projects at the intersection of public policy and business.

Jakob focuses on economic and regulatory policy; particularly as financial services are concerned. His experience spans 25 years in both the private and public sectors.

Before joining LINDEMANNLAW, he held numerous senior positions at the Swiss National Bank and at the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. During the global financial and ensuing economic crisis, Jakob served as the Economic Policy Advisor to Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard, who was the Swiss Minister of Economic Affairs at the time. When Federal Councilor Leuthard changed portfolio, Jakob joined the Swiss Banking Association as the association’s Deputy CEO and headed the International Financial Markets and later the Private Banking and Asset Management Departments. More recently, Jakob was Vice Director at the leading Swiss thinktank Avenir Suisse and advised an award-winning WealthTech startup. Jakob holds a PhD in economics of the University of Zurich and is an affiliate member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society Switzerland.

Managing Partner Alexander Lindemann says: “We at LINDEMANNLAW are extremely proud to welcome a new partner with uniquely broad and profound experience in central banking, government, policy development, and financial services. We are looking forward to the strong new department of government relations and lobbying he will build within our firm.”

“We are most delighted about Jakob bringing such a strong background in economic and financial policy setting and extensive project leadership experience into LINDEMANNLAW. His focus on policy setting in private banking and asset management will be a source of invaluable synergies for our firm”, Partner Ariel Sergio Goekmen-Davidoff adds.

As a practical law firm, LINDEMANNLAW is proud of its extraordinary growth in asset & wealth management over the last years and henceforth its consultancy in government relations and lobbying. Today our law firm comprises 10 senior advisors with 10 to 45 years’ experience each. Our partners have exceptional inhouse experience from legal and leadership positions with fund managers, wealth managers, banks, the alternative investment industry, and government relations. We have longstanding expertise in the markets of Eastern Europe and CIS countries including the Russian Federation. LINDEMANNLAW helps out on the secretariat of We count among our clients many of Switzerland’s & the world´s most successful players in the financial industry as well as entrepreneurs and their families.

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