Lindemann Law



– Energy, Manufacturing, Logistics & Infrastructure –

15th November – 17th November, 2022 TASHKENT

Purpose of the Mission

First, to show participants the latest economic developments in Uzbekistan and explore new business opportunities in the following sectors;
➢ Energy – Renewables and green technologies
➢ Infrastructure – Transportation (roads, ports), water and wastewater management
➢ Manufacturing
➢ Logistics

Second, to help participants develop a network of key decisionmakers and business contacts on the ground through meetings with…
➢ Swiss and European companies in Uzbekistan and hear about their experiences,
➢ Successful Uzbek entrepreneurs as potential joint-venture partners,
➢ Government representatives
➢ Relevant financing partners such as EBRD, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Uzbek Sovereign Wealth Fund and international and local banks to secure project funding

Third, this will provide participants with essential information with which to evaluate a possible entry into the Uzbek market.

Why Uzbekistan?

Since 2016 Uzbekistan has opened up and embarked on an ambitious economic reform program. Radically improved business conditions combined with the country’s large-scale plans to replace much of the hitherto fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure by renewable energy production offers multiple business opportunities for Swiss companies.

For the past half-decade Uzbekistan, with a population of 33 million Central Asia’s most populous country, has embarked on an ambitious economic reform agenda. Starting in 2016, the new President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has opened up the economy, stabilized the currency and reduced inflation. The reform agenda includes the energy sector, with a program of privatization, restructuring and deregulation. Accordingly, economic growth has been around 6% in 2019 and 2021, staying positive even during the advent of the pandemic in 2020.

With its young, well-educated population, the country has the potential to become a regional economic powerhouse. Although from a low starting point, the nation is well underway: Among other changes, liberalizing foreign exchange trade and lifting currency-conversion restrictions as well as simplified customs procedures have dramatically improved business conditions in the country. Citizens from most countries, including Switzerland, can enter the country visa-free.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has recently set ambitious goals for developing renewable energy, resulting in keen interest in and Government support for building a new solar and wind energy infrastructure.


14th November

Individual arrival in Tashkent, check-in at the centrally located Hotel Lotte next to the Alischer Nawoï Opera.
Optional: 18:00 – 20:00 Welcome drinks and warm up.

15th November

8:30 -17:00 Official welcome by Government of Uzbekistan and introduction to reform programs.
Introduction to Uzbekistan as a business destination with presentations by independent and local experts.
Discussions with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, EBRD and Asian Development Bank.

18:00 – 22:00 Dinner at the Embassy of Switzerland hosted by H.E. Mr. Konstantin Obolensky, Ambassador of Switzerland to Uzbekistan and Networking with C-Level executives of Swiss companies in Uzbekistan.

16th November

8:30-16:00 Visits of companies & production facilities. Exchange of experience with C-Level-representatives of Swiss and European companies in Uzbekistan, for example, Rieter, Nestlé, Motorola, Viessmann, Samsung, Diehl Metering.

18:00-21:00 Meeting with the electrotechnical association, Uzeltexanoat (=Business Development Agency) and C-Level executives of local company members followed by dinner.

Individual meetings (upon request).

17th November

8:30-16:00 Meetings with financing partners, including local banks (foreign and Uzbek), for example, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse and international financial institutions (EBRD, Asian Development Bank and Islamic Development Bank) and Swiss Export Risk Insurance SERV– a Key Partner Meeting with Shukhrat Vafayev, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade and CEO of Sovereign Wealth Fund (Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan).

16:00-17:00 A meeting with the President of Uzbekistan has been requested.

19:00-21:00 Wrap-up & informal dinner.

18th November

Optional: Day trip to Samarkand by high-speed train with guide.

Individual departure.

– Details to follow –

Participation Information



Participation Fee

Price per person (VAT excl.)

CHF 3’800.- JCC, SGE and Swissmem Members
CHF 4’600.- Non-Members

Included in the price
➢ Organization of mission and individual B2B-meetings in Tashkent
➢ Program implementation and support during the mission
➢ Accommodation in Uzbekistan. The delegation will stay at the Lotte City Hotel, Tashkent:
➢ All meals and transportation in Uzbekistan

Not included
➢ Flight to Uzbekistan and back (Please book your flights accordingly)
➢ Visa cost (if any)

Important: Swiss citizens do not require a visa to enter Uzbekistan.
Other nationalities: please check with the Consular Section of the Embassy of Uzbekistan whether you need a visa or not.
Obtaining the visa is in the responsibility of each participant.


LINDEMANNLAW advises in legal & tax matters and helps with lobbying. We have helped a number of successful Swiss joint ventures in Central Asia and have established over the years excellent government contacts in Uzbekistan.

The Joint Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Eastern Europe, Central Asia, South Caucasus (JCC) is the leading private sector organization in Switzerland that facilitates bilateral business between Switzerland and the Eurasia Region. JCC has 13 countries. Uzbekistan is a priority market of JCC.

Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) is the official Swiss organization for export and investment promotion with offices throughout Switzerland and in 31 countries. They support Swiss SMEs in their international business and help innovative foreign companies to establish in Switzerland.

Swissmem is the leading association for both SMEs and major corporations in the Swiss technology industry. They provide their member companies with professional advice, offer them extensive networks and support them in digitalization while also, at a political level, advocating good framework conditions and an innovative centre of industry in Switzerland.

Swiss Export Risk Insurance SERV insures political and del credere risks involved in exporting goods and services. SERV insurance and guarantees protect Swiss exporters from default and facilitate export financing.

Dernières informations

État actuel et enseignements tirés de l’affaire Vincenz pour la pratique du contentieux

L’imposition à forfait en Suisse – Avantages pour les particuliers fortunés qui s’installent en Suisse

Autorisation de permis de construire en Suisse: considérations juridiques essentielles

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