Lindemann Law

Your Information Rights: What Customers of Swiss Banks Need to Know

In the intricate web of financial regulations and personal rights, the information rights of bank customers stand out as a pivotal area of legal and practical importance. This article delves into the principles, applications, and boundaries of these rights, providing a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework governing information disclosure by banks to customers and authorities alike.

What Are the Foundational Principles of Information Rights for Customers of Swiss Banks?

The cornerstone of information rights against banks in Switzerland is found primarily in the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR 400), the Financial Services Act (FIDLEG 72), and the Data Protection Act (DSG 25). These statutes provide a robust framework aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability in the client-bank relationship.

✓ OR 400
Generally applicable to all aspects of the business relationship between a bank and its customer, OR 400 ensures that banks owe a duty of disclosure concerning information and documents received in the course of executing their mandate. This includes any assets or original documents that the bank holds on behalf of the client.

Introduced as a special private law claim, FIDLEG 72 empowers customers to request copies of their dossier and all other documents created within the scope of the business relationship. Its primary aim is to enhance customer protection by filling potential gaps left by other regulations.

✓ DSG 25
This provision focuses on the right to information regarding personal data processing. It guarantees transparency in data handling by banks, ensuring that individuals can access information necessary to enforce their rights under the law.

What is the Scope of Information Disclosure Rights for Swiss Bank Customers?

The scope of these rights extends beyond mere transactional records. Under OR 400, banks are required to provide not only the documents received in execution of their mandate but also to report periodically or upon request on matters essential for overseeing the mandate’s execution.

FIDLEG 72 broadens this scope further by encompassing all documents related to the client created during the business relationship, aiming to close any protection gaps that might exist under other legislative frameworks.

What Are the Key Factors for the Scope and Limits of Banking Information Rights?
  1. Constraints and Exemptions
    While the laws provide broad rights, there are nuanced limitations and exceptions:

✓ Confidentiality Obligations – Banks must balance the obligation to disclose with the duty to protect sensitive information. This includes not only protecting third-party information but also respecting statutory and regulatory prohibitions on disclosure.
✓ Relevance of Information – Disclosure is not blanket but is limited to information relevant to the client’s interests as defined by the mandate. Documents considered “internally used” by the bank, such as preliminary notes and draft agreements, are generally exempt unless they have a direct impact on the client’s rights or interests.
✓ Procedural Safeguards – The disclosure must follow procedural norms, often requiring a formal request specifying the documents sought. This procedural formality ensures that banks are not subjected to fishing expeditions but are responding to legitimate requests for relevant information.

  1. Interplay with Data Protection Regulations
    DSG 25 plays a crucial role by setting specific boundaries on the handling of personal data. DSG 26 allows controllers to refuse, restrict, or delay access to information under certain conditions such as legal obligations, protection of third-party interests, or if the request is frivolous or not aimed at data protection. Restrictions can also apply to private controllers for personal data not intended for third-party disclosure and to federal bodies for overriding public interests or ongoing investigations. Controllers must justify any denial or restriction of access to information.
What Does Procedural Enforcement of Information Rights Entail?

The Swiss legal system distinguishes between substantive rights to information and procedural mechanisms for obtaining this information. While substantive rights provide the basis for requesting information, procedural rules govern how these requests are implemented in practice.

✓ Exclusionary Rule
If a substantive right to information exists, it generally excludes parallel procedural discovery. This principle prevents the circumvention of the detailed substantive requirements through broader procedural requests.

✓ Statute of Limitations
The enforcement of information rights is subject to time limitations. Typically, the right to request disclosure from banks expires ten years from the end of the mandate. This limitation reflects the balance between the need for transparency and the practicalities of record retention.

The framework governing bank customer information rights in Switzerland is both comprehensive and nuanced, balancing the need for transparency with the imperatives of confidentiality and procedural fairness. As the financial industry evolves, so too will the interpretations and applications of these laws. Legal professionals and clients alike must remain vigilant and informed to navigate this complex landscape effectively.

If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us for the expert legal support and guidance.

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